Transcript: ICT TOOLS FOR ONLINE EDUCATION By Uttam Roy Mandal Associate Professor Raidighi College INTRO INTRO Anytime, Anyone, Anywhere TODAY'S SCHEDULE 1. 2. 3. 4. TODAY'S SCHEDULE White Board Live Board Loom Presentation Tube DIVING IN DIVING IN Hands-on TOPIC 1 White Board HANDS-ON TOPIC 1 go to https://whiteboard.fi/ HANDS-ON TOPIC 2 HANDS-ON TOPIC 2 LIVE BOARD APP Download Live Board App from Play Store https://liveboard.online/ HANDS-ON TOPIC 2 HANDS-ON TOPIC 3 AWWAPP Download Live Board App from Play Store https://awwapp.com/ HANDS-ON TOPIC 4 LOOM https://www.loom.com/ HANDS-ON TOPIC 4 With Loom, you can capture your screen, voice, and face and instantly share your video in less time than it would take to type an email. HANDS-ON TOPIC 5 HANDS-ON TOPIC 5 PRESENTATION TUBE https://liveboard.online/ ROADMAP ROADMAP MILESTONE 1 MILESTONE 1 MILESTONE 2 MILESTONE 2 MILESTONE 3 MILESTONE 3 REVIEW REVIEW TOPIC 1 TOPIC 1 TOPIC 2 TOPIC 2 TOPIC 3 TOPIC 3 WHAT'S NEXT? WHAT'S NEXT? FURTHER READING FURTHER READING